On the 5th Business Day We Give You This For Free

You, yes you, could win this. Read on to find out how.




Wouldn't it be nice if you won something for a change? Well we'd like to increase your chances of winning. What do you have to do? Simple, break out your camera and snap a creative picture of your C7 engine. Then, head over to your favorite social media site (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+) and post your creative engine photo along with the hashtag #CoverMyCaps.



Want to Win $500?

We've made this contest even easier than the cap set. All you have to do is fill out our form or simply make any purchase on this site between now and the 23rd of this month (December 2015). We'll pick the winner randomly and announce who the lucky you-know-what is on the 24th.

Register to WIN!


Why So Many Giveaways?!

It's all part of our 10 Business Days of Christmas  and because we're cool. Feel free to shower us with platitudes in the comment section below. 

Hat Winners

The following lucky few are our winners for the hat contest from the 3rd Business Day contest in no particular order.

  • James Reckhouse
  • Richard Martin
  • Robert Vital
  • Ken lyman
  • Gary Edwards
  • Jonathan Knighton
  • Jeff Dunlap
  • Joy Willis

If you don't see your name, you didn't win a hat but that doesn't mean you're not a winner in our book!


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