The K.O. Shipping Sale

It all went down one dusky Tuesday afternoon. We were in the middle of a meeting and were discussing possible promotions we could offer. In the marketing department we had a few ideas, but none were as good as the one involving shipping...

While in our meeting we discussed many things, promotional items, sales, upcoming events, and cars. Somewhere along the line we brought up free shipping. Cause how cool is free shipping, right?! Something like that really helps with purchases of items like the Car Show Stand, which I might say is a fantastic way to highlight your vehicle at the shows regardless of how far from stock you've modified. Charlotte over in shipping took offense to this idea. 

American Car Craft shipping meeting

She stood there, stone faced, unwavering in her desire to make you pay for shipping. No amount of calm discussion would sway her this time. Well, needless to say, we didn't like her response. 


Things may have got briefly out of hand and it looked like we may not be able to offer you free shipping. That is until... The incident.

free shipping knock out punch

Charlotte took one on the nose, literally. Like magic her objectionable viewpoint changed and while she lay there barely conscious muttering obscenities on the floor, we in the marketing department quickly made the necessary changes to enable a free domestic shipping sale this weekend! Yay! 

So make sure when you place your order and choose free shipping you also write a message to Charlotte in your order notes. Thank you Charlotte, because of your nose that now whistles when you breathe hard we can enjoy free shipping. 


Charlotte in shipping punched in face

While this is all in good fun, poor Charlotte did not actually attempt to go on the knuckle sandwich diet. Yesterday she was shipping out parts as fast as she possibly could before she walked, face first, into the sliding glass door that separates her office from the shop floor. She's a good sport and let us take (and alter) her picture to make this much more fun that it would have been otherwise. 


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