The Day After Christmas


On the day after Christmas, you may be in recovery mode, and we're here to help!. We hope our little story will help you rest and relax and then save big on handcrafted parts! 


'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house

Everyone had presents, like my wife with her blouse.

Our living room trashed with wrapping paper on the floor

While a few tired relatives exhaled with a snore.


The children running rampant far from their beds,

While we made wagers which would hit first, knees or their heads.

Mamma chased them down to put on their new helmet,

While I buffed and polished paint into a fine buttery velvet. 


When in the newspaper an ad did appear

For a car show in town had awesome trophies just for my model year.

I ran to the garage and through off the tarp,

Its angelic paint job glistening to the sound of a harp, 


Not a drop of rain or an ounce of fresh snow

Could keep me from my destiny of this year's best in show

I polished my paint and shined my wheels to a glow,

Cracked open my engine bay and what do you know?


No glistening metal, no lights shining bright

There was no chrome, no billet, no stainless steel in sight.

It was then I remembered what I found under the tree

No parts, no metal, just a gift card... Whoopee.


My car wasn't ready, not even up on a lift,

So I sat there contemplating what could I do with this BADGIFT?

It was then I was remembered and felt quite daft,

That I could use my bad gift at American Car Craft.


I walked past my dear wife, she knew the look in my eye.

For soon I'd be online and it would be parts that I'd buy.

I sprang to my seat and let out a wolf whistle

As I added parts to my cart as fast as a cruise missile.


My order complete I exclaimed loud like Billy Mays,

"I'm so excited I'll have my parts made in 7-10 business days!"

It was then that I knew my bad gift was just right,

and I ran out like a wild man into the night.


I remember it vaguely, through my parts induced haze,

I had to scream loudly, a festive, fun phrase.

Taking in a deep breath as I stood by my headlight.

"Happy day-after-Christmas to all and to all a good-night!" 

Thanks for reading our take on the Night Before Christmas. Now, you can save 15% on any product not marked clearance by using the coupon code: BADGIFT in your cart. 

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